

Challan is a standard form prescribed for government payments as per rules of 7(a) and 8(b) of Chhattisgarh Treasury Code known as CGTC. This format is designed for collection of government payments viz. sales tax, excise duty, professional tax, land revenue etc. from various private institutions, individuals from time to time and is implemented by government departments as per the requirements. The payment of challan is accepted in the bank only and one has to go in person and stand in long queues if required to make the payment.

The government of Chhattisgarh desired to use the state-of-the-art technology to facilitate online payments to the needy community through e-challan. A person needs to have a online bank account with the identified banks by the government to make the online payment. e-Challan is the customized challan format approved by government of  Chhattisgarh vide rule no 64A and 64B of Chhattisgarh Treasury Code where in payments can be accepted through internet and accounted by bank to treasuries for all departments. Accordingly e-challan software accessible through internet provides the interface to the citizen to fill the e-form as per requirements and leads to the selected bank’s gate way. The user need to provide his/her user id and password to log in, verify the particulars filled in e-form, fill the amount and confirm the payment to complete the transaction. The hard copy of the e-challan is provided through bank’s interface, which can be saved or printed and provided to the department, concerned as is done with the regular challan. Further, the soft copy of the e-challan will be sent to the e-mail id provided by the payee in the e-form for necessary record.


Choice Center

District Treasury Office, Collectorate Office, Mahasamund
Location : District Treasury Office Mahasamund | City : Mahasamund | PIN Code : 493445