

Title Description Start Date End Date File
Advertisement No. /NHM/San.Ni./2024/939. Selection and waiting list based on merit list for contractual recruitment under National Health Mission.

Office of Chief Medical and Health Officer, District Mahasamund (CG).

19/12/2024 30/03/2025 View (226 KB) ANM(RBSK) (358 KB) ANM (518 KB) Audiometric Assistant (270 KB) Class-4th(UHWC) (832 KB) Community Health Officer (2 MB) Dental Assistant (278 KB) Driver (NTEP) (293 KB) Jr. Secretarial Assistant -PADA (451 KB) Jr. Secretrial Assistant (UHWC) (758 KB) Lab Attendant (DPHL) (329 KB) Laboratory Technician (969 KB) MO-Ayush(RBSK) (456 KB) MPW (M) (763 KB) Nursing Officer (410 KB) Pharmacist (RBSK) (300 KB) Physiotherapist (380 KB) Secretarial Assistant (DPMU) (347 KB) Senior Nursing Officer (NMHP) (266 KB) Staff Nurse (NBSU) (943 KB) Staff Nurse (SNCU) (266 KB) Staff Nurse(UHWC) (728 KB) Ward Assistant(NMHP) (327 KB)
Advertisement No. /NHM/San.Ni./2024/939. Merit and ineligible list after skill test for contractual recruitment under National Health Mission.

Office of Chief Medical and Health Officer, District Mahasamund (CG).

19/12/2024 30/03/2025 View (226 KB) ANM (RBSK) (720 KB) ANM (1 MB) Audiometric Assistant (256 KB) Community health officer (3 MB) Dental Assistant (380 KB) Driver (NTEP) (382 KB) Jr. Secretarial assistant (UHWC) (2 MB) Jr.Secretarial Assistant (PADA) (824 KB) Lab attendant (DPHL) (687 KB) Laboratory Technician (2 MB) MO -Ayush (RBSK) (821 KB) MPW (M) (1 MB) Nursing officer (824 KB) Pharmacist (RBSK) (356 KB) Physiotherapist (930 KB) Secretarial assistant (DPMU) (863 KB) Senior Nursing Officer (NMHP) (425 KB) Staff Nurse (NBSU) (2 MB) Staff Nurse (SNCU) (372 KB) staff Nurse (UHWC) (1 MB)
Advertisement for Recruitment of Guest Lecturer in Government Industrial Training Institutes. Last Date- 27/12/2024.Office of Principal District Nodal Officer, Government Industrial Training Institute, Mahasamund (CG).

Office of Principal District Nodal Officer, Government Industrial Training Institute, Mahasamund (CG).

17/12/2024 28/12/2024 View (4 MB)
Advertisement No. /NHM/San.Ni./2024/939. Publication of revised information for the recruitment of 20 Community Health Officers against the advertisement of 28 vacant posts of Community Health Officer under National Health Mission.

Office of Chief Medical and Health Officer District Mahasamund (CG).

16/12/2024 31/03/2025 View (520 KB)
Advertisement for direct recruitment to the vacant posts of third and fourth class in District Court Mahasamund.
Office of Principal District and Sessions Judge Mahasamund.
16/12/2024 04/01/2025 View (589 KB)
Merit/Eligible/Ineligible list after claim objection resolution for recruitment of vacant manager post in Primary Forest Produce Cooperative Society Bokaramuda, Parasada, Baldidih and Deori. Office Manager, District Minor Forest Produce Cooperative Federation Limited, Mahasamund (CG).

Office Manager, District Minor Forest Produce Cooperative Federation Limited, Mahasamund (CG).

11/12/2024 25/12/2024 View (4 MB)
Advertisement for recruitment to the vacant posts of third and fourth class under District Legal Services Authority, District Mahasamund (CG). Last date – 30-12-2024. Office of District Legal Services Authority, Mahasamund (CG).

Office of District Legal Services Authority, Mahasamund (CG).

11/12/2024 30/12/2024 View (946 KB)
Information for recruitment to the vacant posts of Deputy/Assistance Legal Aid Defense Council under District Legal Services Authority, Mahasamund, District Mahasamund (Chhattisgarh). Last date – 19-11-2024

Office of District Legal Services Authority, Mahasamund (Chhattisgarh)

29/11/2024 19/12/2024 View (575 KB)
Revised list for skill test of Nursing Officer contractual recruitment under National Health Mission. (Advertisement No./NHM/No./2024/939
Office of the Chief Medical and Health Officer District Mahasamund (Chhattisgarh).
19/11/2024 19/12/2024 View (393 KB) नर्सिंग ऑफिसर संशोधित सूची (763 KB)
List, Date, Time and Place Information for skill test of Eligible Candidates for contractual recruitment under National Health Mission. Office of Chief Medical and Health Officer District Mahasamund (CG).

Office of Chief Medical and Health Officer District Mahasamund (CG).

13/11/2024 13/01/2025 View (356 KB) Skill Test Time table (1 MB) Staff Nurse(SNCU) (410 KB) Staff Nurse(NBSU) (2 MB) Staff Nurse (UHWC) (1 MB) Senior Nursing Officer (NMHP) (637 KB) Secretarial Assistant-DPMU (1 MB) Nursing Officer (739 KB) Pharmacists (RBSK) (364 KB) MPW (M) (2 MB) MO-Ayush (RBSK) (1 MB) LABORATORY Technician (3 MB) Lab Attendant (DPHL) (745 KB) Jr. Secretarial Assistant UHWC (2 MB) Jr Secretarial Assistant-PADA (1 MB) Driver (NTEP) (613 KB) Dental Assistant (415 KB) Community Health Officer (4 MB) Audiometric Assistant (277 KB) ANM(RBSK) (645 KB) ANM (1 MB) Physiotherapist (875 KB)